This article is updated as of 20 August 2020. It may be outdated when you read it.
Linkedin updates her sites frequently. Use these steps with caution. Please note that this may impact your account and you are solely responsible for this action and will not hold me responsible for any consequences.
Linkedin connection invitation is where you connect with new connections. It is this icon “My Network” on top of the Linkedin page. In the past, you can Select All invitation to either reject or accept the potential connections altogether without individually going through one by one.
The “Select All” used to look similar like this before it disappear.
For reasons unknown to us, Linkedin have removed this function “Select All”. In this article, I will guide you a quick workaround on how to accept or reject in bulk from connection invites.
How to bulk remove or accept connection invitation
1. Go to My Network
Click “My Network” in your top screen. Alternatively you may key in this URL :
2. Under Invitations you will see this options to Ignore or Accept buttons
3. Launch Developer Tools in your Chrome browser
Go to your Chrome , and under the Developer Tools. For Windows / Mac , you can press F12 function key. Alternatively the short cut keys for Windows is “Control + Alt + I”, for Mac it is “Option + Command + I”. If you prefer to use the mouse instead, point to the hamburger menu (the 3 dots) on the Chrome top right corner. Click on it and the Developer Tools is in here
4. Select the Console in Developer Tools
5A . If you want to accept all invitations , input this in the console
var x = document.querySelectorAll('button.artdeco-button--secondary'); for (var i=0 ; i<x.length; i++) x[i].click();
This will accept all your invitations
5B . If you want to reject all invitations, input this in the console
var x = document.querySelectorAll('button.artdeco-button--tertiary'); for (var i=0 ; i<x.length; i++) x[i].click();
This will reject all your invitations
That’s all it takes — a one liner script !
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